Friday, 13 November 2015

CRT Trustee nails some old myths

In his recent speech at the London Waterways Museum, CRT Trustee John Dodwell, among other things has acknowledged some things I and and others have been complaining about for some time. In the notes from his presentation John says:

"Just a word about overstayers. If you see a boat staying too long at a visitor mooring, don’t assume it is a continuous cruiser who’s not moved on. It could be someone with a home mooring who’s left it there for too long whilst the owner has gone home."

For me this suggests a move forward in CRT thinking and perhaps a move away from the old mantra that Continuous Cruisers are the root of all evil , a view falsely promulgated by the previous regime.

Does it mean that all is well yet - of course not.

The full effects of the new policy over minimum cruising ranges are yet to be seen. There is still concern about some of the new terms and conditions imposed on all boaters earlier this year.

But interestingly in the speech he also gives what I take to be an indirect acknowledgement of the pressing need for more facilities of all types: 

"I’ve got some information about enforcement in London. One point I need to make is that if areas are popular then even if everyone moves as they ought to, you will still face a congestion problem when all the boats are tied up".

Elsewhere in the text: "If you find visitor moorings are full, stop and think before you grumble  you don’t know when the boats got there. Many may have got there earlier in the day  as happened to me a few years ago when I couldn’t moor at Thrupp on the southern Oxford at 7pm one evening." 

It's still along way from my April 1st press release a couple of years ago but I sincerely hope that the tone of the speech is at least a turning point, if not a step towards a more positive attitude towards boaters from CRT?   

One hopes that some of those responsible for boating policy and enforcement will take note of what John has said? Actions speak louder than words.

1 comment:

  1. Hi to "student Chris" and thanks for your comment on 05 Jan 16. Not publishing the comment here but if you want to get in touch please use my NABO email to make contact. The comment function here doesn't give me means to get back to you direct. See the contact for London Waterways listed on
