Saturday 3 December 2011

More Boaters voice concerns about the Canal and River Trust

Life has been a bit hectic (but all positive) hence nothing new here for a few days. Like a lot of other boaters I have an ongoing feeling that CRT is a done deal and that what boaters have to say on the subject is not getting the airtime it should do, not least when one considers the financial contributions we make to the waterways. I am still left feeling that I am being asked to feed the hand that bites me and that we boaters continue to be seen by some in BW as a problem rather than an ally.

One thing that reassured me that I am not completely out on a limb in my thinking  was the appearance of the Boaters' Manifesto.

One of the constant paranoia's of being a member of NABO Council is, are we too introverted in our view of things, are we representative, etc? It was therefore of great encouragement to see that a sizable independent group of boaters (who use Facebook groups) have identified virtually identical fears and concerns about the CRT as we have been dwelling on. It sometimes feels like you're the only one banging on so its nice to see that there are others out there also voicing concern. It's an important time and boaters need to stick together and support each other wherever and whenever we can.

See also: NABO Press Release on the Boaters' Manifesto

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