Wednesday 24 April 2013

Can't remember my new name?

Well CRT have finally published their conclusions from the Houseboat Consultation exercise they did last year. The most revealing thing for me is not their conclusions about the way forward. (I will doubtless come back to that.) No, it's much better than that!

There's a joke in the public housing sector about stock transfers, a feature of the last decade of UK housing policy. The joke is that although their landlords became housing associations, for the punters it too often makes no real difference and has little practical impact on the reality of their experience: years after you can always find one tenant who still thinks they are "with the Council".

Well it seems CRT are having the same problem but this time, internally:  Throughout the consultation report they refer to themselves as and respond as "British Waterways". Wonder how many CRT people were involved in drafting the report? It seems they all succombed to the same freudian slip?

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